In terms of product quality, MEDOMIKS Petrovaradin is a leading company in the field of honey processing and packaging in Serbia.

Our quality policy is based on the company’s long-term successful business and manufacturing practices, founded on continued improvement to the quality of its products, and satisfying the needs and expectations of existing and future clients.

The honey we receive from our subcontractors, more than 2,000 beekeepers from Serbia with whom we operate on the principle of planned purchases, undergoes two rounds of quality control, immediately prior to being placed on the market which guarantees a high-quality product.

Facts which illustrate MEDOMIKS’ commitment to continuous investment in the quality of their products are:
– All segments of MEDOMIKS’ production take place according to the principles of the HACCP system, quality management, in accordance with Codex Alimentarius, which guarantees the production of hygienically correct and safe products.